What is the Rooted Experience?
Rooted is our church’s 10-week launch to discipleship.
Rooted isn’t simply another Bible study or book. It is a 10-week community experience, where you’ll practice the 7 rhythms (or actions) essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. You’ll establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study, group discussion, and challenges that will inspire participants to step beyond their comfort zone as they follow Jesus.
Everyone is invited to join a Rooted Group. Whether you've known Jesus for 30 years, just decided to follow Him, or simply want to know what it’s all about. And, regardless of if you already belong to a group here at Unity or not, this 10-week journey will draw you closer to God, into Christian community, and introduce or renew the habits essential to all believers.
Throughout Rooted, you will have five daily devotional and journaling experiences each week to help you practice the 7 Rooted Rhythms modeled by the early church in Acts 2. These rhythms include:
daily devotion
breaking strongholds
sacrificial generosity
community service
sharing your story
The Committed and consistent practice of these rhythms will not only impact you but the whole church. During Rooted each group will undergo a service project in the community, learn how to tell their story, participate in a prayer experience, endure a day of fasting, and enjoy a celebration following week 10.
The Rooted Experience will launch this spring, from Thursday, February 6 – April 10 at 7PM.
The cost will be $30 to cover your hardback Rooted workbook, materials, and celebration following week 10.
If you are interested in joining Rooted for this Spring, please email Barb Steving at