Unity Kids

Age 3-5th Grade 


KidZone happens every Sunday during the 10 AM service!

Through music, fun activities, creative Bible stories, and life application, children are learning that God loves them.  Our desire is that kids will come to love Jesus and learn to live for him in their everyday lives.

The Christmas Story


Younger Kids

Preschool: Our younger kids are given their first impression of our loving heavenly Father. They learn about the WONDER of our amazing Father by learning three key concepts: God made me. God loves me. Jesus wants to be my friend, forever.

Older Kids

Grades K - 5: Our older kids ministry meets for a fun, kid-friendly worship service.

We want our elementary kids to know:

I need to make the wise choice.

I can trust God no matter what.

I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Everything that we teach flows from these Three Basic Truths.

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